Article I - Association
Section 1.1 - Name
The name of this organization is 'Spokane India Community.'
Section 1.2 - References
All references herein to 'SIC' shall mean Spokane India Community and all references to the Committee shall mean the Executive Committee of Spokane India Community. All references to Community shall mean a community of Indian origin residing in and around Spokane.
Section 1.3 - Membership and Voting Rights
All local community members over the age of 18 years are encouraged to become SIC members. All SIC members shall hold and enjoy equal rights and privileges.
Article II - Objectives
Section 2.1 - Objectives
To provide a forum for the Community to meet, interact and get to know each other.
Promote Cultural, Social, Art, Theatrical, Educational and other events relevant to SIC's mission.
Promote activities that encourage people to network, exchange ideas and form friendships thereby strengthening the community bonds.
Aim to make everyone feel welcome to pitch an idea, seek support and form special interest groups to take up causes that align with the core mission.
Section 2.2 - General Purpose
SIC is formed primarily for cultural, social and educational purposes. No part of the net earnings of the organization shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to its members, officers, or other private persons.
SIC activities shall not involve carrying on of any propaganda, or otherwise attempts to influence legislation. SIC shall not participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing distribution of statements) any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office.
Article III - Relationship with other similar organizations
SIC is a non-profit corporation in the State of Washington, will not discriminate against anyone based on religion, caste, gender or creed, and will encourage the members to develop a cordial and friendly relationship with other similar organizations. The members will bear no ill will or malice towards any other groups.
Article IV - Executive Committee
Section 4.1 - Officers
The day-to-day activities of SIC shall be conducted by an Executive Committee. All posts shall be honorary.
Section 4.2 - Elections
The officers shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting for a period of two years. In odd-numbered years, the posts of Vice President, Secretary, and Community Outreach Coordinator will be up for election. In even-numbered years, the posts of President, Joint Secretary, and Treasurer will be up for election, the open management positions will be published 15 days before the AGM and nominations will close 7 days ahead of the AGM. The nominations will be submitted to the Executive committee through an email.
Elections shall be held if there is more than one nomination for any office. Actual voting shall be done at the general body meeting. The Secretary shall count the votes of members present and on a conference call. Results will be announced immediately.
If the President fails to complete a term, the succession in office shall be the Vice- President. If a Vice-President, Secretary, Joint-Secretary, Treasurer or Community Outreach Coordinator fails to complete a term, the President shall appoint someone from the general membership of SIC to complete his or her term.
Section 4.3 - Duties
President - The President shall preside over all the meetings of the Executive Committee. The President shall have general supervision over the activities and operation of SIC. The President shall sign, execute and acknowledge, in the name of SIC, all transactions authorized by the Executive Committee. She/he shall have the authority to constitute and appoint members, thereto, to transact specific functions/activities.
Vice-President - The Vice-President will work together with the President in carrying out the duties and shall act in, when necessary.
Secretary - The Secretary shall have the responsibility to maintain all SIC records, arrange meetings and conduct elections for the Executive Committee. She/he shall maintain a full written report of each regular or special Executive meetings and General Body meetings. Secretary shall also create and maintain membership and email list.
Joint-Secretary - The Joint Secretary will work together with the Secretary in carrying out the duties and shall act in, when necessary.
Treasurer - The duties of the Treasurer shall be to keep an accurate record of all payment received and disbursed. He shall make a report of the affairs and finances of SIC at every Annual Meeting thereof. The Treasurer shall have the authority to sign all financial transactions not exceeding $500. The Treasurer and the President or his designee shall sign any transaction exceeding $500 jointly. The Treasurer shall submit quarterly financial reports to the Executive Committee. Allow all Community members the right to examine any records of monetary transactions. Keep regular books of accounts showing receipts, expenditures and other financial responsibilities, as deemed necessary.
Community outreach coordinator - The Community Outreach Coordinator’s primary responsibilities are to build strategic relationships, conduct a variety of outreach activities, and recruit and retain volunteers for all SIC programs. Manage web and email announcements and publications of all SIC events.
Article VI - Membership
Section 6.1 - Membership
Anybody is eligible to become a member of SIC. Every adult member (age 18 years and above) will be eligible to be elected to the executive committee and will be able to cast votes in the election of executive committee members.
Section 6.2 - Fees
The Executive Committee shall decide or make changes to the membership fee. The membership fee is due to be paid by September 1. However, if not paid by October 1, the membership shall expire and can be renewed for the rest of the year only after paying the membership fees.
Section 6.3 - Benefits
Members may be offered discounted event passes for certain SIC events
Members will be eligible to attend and participate in certain SIC organized events and activities for free
Members will get access to members-only areas of the SIC website
From time to time, on SIC may coordinate group activities and enable members to benefit from group discounts
Article VII - Administration
Section 7.1 - Annual General Body Meeting
The Annual General Body meeting shall be held in the second week or Mid-January for electing officers and for transacting such other business as may come at the meeting. The President shall convene the general body meeting at such place and time as determined by the Executive Committee. The Secretary shall communicate this to all members of SIC, in writing, at least, two weeks in advance.
Section 7.2 - Executive Committee Meetings
The quorum for transactions of business at any Executive committee meeting shall be at least 2/3rds of the membership of the committee. If within an hour from the time appointed for any regular Executive committee meeting a quorum is not present, the meeting shall be adjourned. Notice for the replacement meeting shall be sent out within one week of the adjournment.
Section 7.3 - Bylaws
The Bylaws shall not be amended except at the Annual General Meeting or at an extraordinary general meeting called by the SIC President for that purpose. Every resolution to amend the Bylaws shall be approved by the Executive committee. No such resolution shall be passed unless the same is carried by at least a 2/3rds votes of the quorum.
Article VIII - Dissolution
In case SIC has to be dissolved, any assets of SIC, after satisfying all the indebtedness, shall be donated to one or more charitable non-profit organization(s)/institution(s). Such dissolution of SIC shall be based on the decision of a majority of the general membership.